I did, however, make plans to go out to dinner some place decent so that I've got something to write about. Dinner found me on the Kartnerstrasse with Kathy looking for a restaurant. While strolling we came across two interesting churches. The first is the Malteserkirche. The facade of this church is so nondescript (remember that all Viennese buildings in this part of town are beautiful. This one just doesn't look like a church) that I have missed it several times before while walking down this same street. Inside however it is a beautiful little chapel. It is actually called the Church of St. John the Baptist and was built in the early 19th century in the Gothic style. It was a lovely little surprise.
Turning on to the Graben we found ourselves at a little hole in the wall restaurant. I had the Wiener Schnitzel mit Kartoffelsalat. I know that many of you may think that I had some sort of sausage. Wiener doesn't mean the same thing here as it does in the States. Wiener means Viennese. Schniztel is a cutlet. Kartoffelsalat is potato salad So I had a Viennese pork cutlet with potato salad. The food here was great Viennese staple food. Nothing fancy, just tasty. I don't remember what Kathy's was called, but it looked like the type of food we imagine Mozart might of eaten.
Finally, Dessert! We went back to that little shop that had the Bosendorfer Torte and I tried the Linzer Torte and Kathy tried a chocolate Torte. They look pretty, but they were dry. I've had lots better here already. I won't be back
On the walk back to the hotel we came across a small brass plaque in the sidewalk. This memorial is for the four Jews who were pulled from their apartments in this building during WWII. In my mind that was so long ago but to a country that boasts buildings from the 15th century and ruins that date back to Roman times, 69 years ago might as well be yesterday. I find myself thinking that I should pray for Siegfried and Berta Schwarz and Rosalia and Helene Ponger but in reality the best thing I can do in their memories is not forget, and do whatever it takes to ensure that what happened to them never happens to anyone else.
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